Remains of the East Lincolnshire Main Line (Well High Lane Level Crossing to Burgh-le-Marsh)


The Crossing House (Google Street View).
Although it has been extended, the railway architecture is still unmistakable. Nice to see the GNR sign on display too (Google Street View).
Site of Level Crossing looking West (Google Street View).
Site of Level Crossing looking East (Google Street View).
Trackbed looking towards Alford (Google Street View).
Trackbed looking towards Firsby (Google Street View).

The Crossing House and trackbed on its right looking towards Alford (Google Street View). 
The trackbed looking towards Firsby (Google Street View). 
The site of the Level Crossing looking West (Google Street View).
The site of the Level Crossing looking East (Google Street View).

Opened to Passengers: 3rd September 1848
Opened to Goods: 3rd September 1848
Closed to Passengers: 5th October 1970
Closed to Goods: 2nd May 1966
Notes: The first station was sited South of the Level Crossing, this closing when the other, North of the Level Crossing, opened on 4th October 1866 to coincide with the opening of the branch line to Sutton-on-Sea.

A B1 and its train join the East Lincolnshire Main Line from the Mablethorpe Branch at Willoughby (LEYTR Collection). 
An extract from the July 1923 ABC Guide
An aerial view of the station site. The course of the Mablethorpe branch can be seen diverging to the right (Google Earth)
Extracts from early Ordnance Survey maps showing the layout of the station.
Signalbox Diagram for Willoughby.
The Station House (Photos taken 09.10.21).
The building was for sale at the time of writing.
The Goods Shed still extant (Photo taken 09.10.21).

Trackbed looking South towards Firsby (Photo taken 09.10.21).

Trackbed looking North towards Alford (Photo taken 09.10.21)

The remains of the Station and parts of platform still extant (Photos taken 09.10.21).
Looking West towards the Level Crossing (Google Street View).
Looking East towards the Level Crossing (Google Street View). 
More information about Willoughby Station can be seen here.


Trackbed looking North towards Willoughby (Google Street View).

Crossing House and trackbed looking South (Google Street View).
Crossing House (Google Street View).
Looking West towards the former Level Crossing (Google Street View).
Looking East towards the former Level Crossing (Google Street View).

Trackbed looking North towards Willoughby (Google Street View). 
Trackbed looking South towards Firsby (Google Street View). 
Crossing House (Google Street View).
Looking West towards the former Level Crossing (Google Street View). 

Looking East towards the former Level Crossing (Google Street View).


Looking north towards Willoughby (Google Street View).
Looking South towards Firsby. A large garage now occupies the trackbed (Google Street View).
The Crossing House (Google Street View).
Looking West towards the former Level Crossing (Google Street View).
Looking East towards the former Level Crossing (Google Street View).


The course of the East Lincolnshire Line can be seen in this aerial view. A section is now used as a private road access to Boothby Grange Farm, the large building on the bottom of the picture (Google Earth).
PLEASE NOTE This section of the former trackbed is a PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD and not open to the general public. The photographs were taken during a legitimate business visit.

The trackbed looking North towards Willoughby, photographed on 11th September 2021.
Crossing House down unnamed road.
Looking north along trackway/course of East Lincolnshire Main Line.
From the same position, looking South towards Firsby.
A little further down, looking North and South.
Further down, looking North towards Willoughby. The road diverges from the trackbed here towards the farm. 
From same position looking South towards Firsby. This section is very overgrown. 
The aerial view of the location from above photo shows the heavily overgrown section, although the trackbed seems to emerge further South (Google Earth). 

The trackbed looking North towards Willoughby (Google Street View).
Trackbed looking South towards Firsby (Google Street View).
The Crossing House (Google Street View).
Looking West towards the site of the former Level Crossing (Google Street View).
Looking East towards the site of the former Level Crossing (Google Street View).


Although this was never a Level Crossing when the East Lincolnshire Main Line was open, the Bypass being constructed long after it closed, these are included for the sake of completeness. The view looks North along the trackbed towards Willoughby (Google Street View).
A view from the same position looking South towards Firsby (Google Street View).

Looking North towards Willoughby from the site of the former Level Crossing.
A 1976 view of the station, then in a very delapidated state, from the Level Crossing. My mother appears to have missed the train by six years.
Several years later....
And on 5th October 2020...
Burgh-le-Marsh station on 5th October 2020.
For the next stage of the route (Burgh-le-Marsh to Firsby), please click here.

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