Last Trains from Louth

Yesterday, 20th December, marked the 40th anniversary of the very last passenger trains to travel the full route between Louth and Grimsby.  By then, this section of the East Lincolnshire Line had been relegated to freight only following the withdrawal of regular passenger services from 5th October 1970, and all traffic between Louth and Firsby. The trips (and some on previous occasions) were organised by the Grimsby - Louth Railway Preservation Society who had hoped to purchase the trackbed with the intention of eventually restoring services along the route. Sadly the trackbed was hastily sold off and redeveloped. The Peakes Parkway/A16 now occupies it at the Grimsby end, and along with other redevelopments, so there is no chance now that Louth will ever be connected to the National Rail Network. Fortunately a small section has been preserved by the Lincolnshire Wolds Railway.

My photo below shows one of the trains at Grimsby Town after arrival from Louth.
The very last train at Louth before its departure to Grimsby.
More pictures of this and other Special Trains from Louth can be seen at Dave's Railpics.

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